Coordinated action to tackle urban flooding

Coordinated action to tackle urban flooding

Photo: 2017 flooding in Montreal. By Fred via Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 Thousands of families in Brantford are under an evacuation order, and a toddler in Orangeville is missing. Flooding season has begun, and its consequences are devastating. It is...
Ajax and London manage rain where it falls

Ajax and London manage rain where it falls

Photo: Rain garden in Ajax. Credit: Stephen Ruddy, Town of Ajax.  In anticipation of new rules in Ontario that will require runoff volume control, some forward-thinking municipalities are proactively beginning to incorporate green infrastructure into municipal...
Infiltration in dense urban areas – benefit or risk?

Infiltration in dense urban areas – benefit or risk?

Image source: Capital Regional District, BC, Canada. Image URL  For green infrastructure enthusiasts, infiltration is a good thing – rain water soaking back into the ground where it belongs instead of flowing over dirty city streets and into local waterbodies. But for...
Implementing green infrastructure across Canada

Implementing green infrastructure across Canada

Local governments across Canada are starting to look at rainwater through a new lens – as a resource that can be managed and harvested on site as opposed to a waste product that must be removed. It is becoming clear that combining green infrastructure with existing...
Rain gardens blooming across North America

Rain gardens blooming across North America

Photo: A mature rain garden in North Bay, Ontario (Source: Rain gardens are inexpensive and simple to build. They are an environmentally sound method of managing urban stormwater runoff with the added benefit of beautifying...